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How to wear a white shirt - men

White shirts are an essential item of clothing that no man can do without.  

Perfect for a days at the office, great for a first dates and indispensable in your wardrobe. The most common outfit is the combination of a black suit with a white shirt. Safe, timeless and very stylish. However, you can do much more with a white shirt.

If you want to wear a shirt in combination with a jacket, we recommend that you go for a white shirt with a cutaway collar . Because the neck collar is cut away, the shirt fits perfectly under a suit. As mentioned, a white shirt can be combined with almost anything. So go for something other than a black suit, a beige double breasted blazer or a corduroy jacket will make you stand out from the crowd.





Combine a jacket with a light blue shirt

With a light blue shirt, your outfit will be just that little bit different from many others. The only issue is that you must pay attention to the color combination when you go for light blue.


You make an indelible impression if you combine blue with blue. In this case, the different shades of blue should differ as much as possible from each other. For examples, go for navy trousers and blazers and combine with a light blue shirt. Complete this look with a pair of matching navy shoes, preferably suede loafers. Then you have an outfit that lets you turn heads.



The cuffs, which are the piece of fabric that finishes the shirt sleeves, come in two forms, the double and single cuff. The double cuff, which requires cufflinks, is the most elegant and is typically used for finer occasions where habitat or tuxedo is worn. The single cuff, on the other hand, is used in other more casual shirt contexts, and is typically buttoned with either one or two buttons. 

Note the golden rule that says the correct sleeve length on a classic men's shirt is when the cuff (in the stretched arm) reaches about an inch and a half below your ankle. The sleeves should be so long that the length is kept, even if you bend your arm. If you wear a jacket in addition to the shirt, one and a half centimeters is also the exact indication for the piece of cuff that should be visible at the end of the jacket's sleeve as well as for the piece of the shirt flap that can be seen over the jacket collar.